Current time in the Falkland Islands

Mon 17th Feb : 23:19

Sustainability Policy

One of the great assets that the Falklands Island has is its environment, which is pure and unpolluted. Together with its extraordinary and spectacular wildlife, the Islands offer one of the great true and clean wildernesses left on the earth.

The Malvinia House Hotel recognises its responsibility to respect the environment and is committed to achieve environmental best practice, where practically possible throughout its business activity.

We continually seek ways to conserve and protect natural resources, to minimise wastage of raw materials and energy, whilst providing a consistent and quality product and service to our guests.

We conduct internal environmental reviews and annually assess our progress towards an improved environmental performance and revise as necessary.

Our customers and guests are made aware of our sustainability policy and to give them the option to help us achieve them.

To ensure our team of staff are aware, involved and encouraged to be proactive in wanting to work to and improve our environmental policies.

Activities that are established at Malvina House Hotel include: –

Energy Conservation

  • Instillation of Solar panels for the provision of hot water
  • Use of Energy Saving bulbs
  • Encourage a “switch off policy” with staff and guests
  • Ensure staff are aware of requirement to turn down/off radiators thermostats when rooms are not booked out
  • Endeavour to print literature on recycled paper
  • In periods of low occupancy, appropriate sections  within the hotel are isolated so heating can be turned off and lighting reduced to emergency levels only
  • Regular boiler checks
  • Purchasing of energy efficient equipment
  • New Bedroom wing has a key entry card system which automatically turns off the power when the room is not occupied

Reducing Waste Recycle/Re-use

  • Use fabric napkins as much as possible not paper ones
  • Use recycled products wherever possible
  • Move towards using environmentally friendly cleaning materials, and Micro fibre cloths
  • Recycle Kitchen oils
  • Future aim is to  have our own in-house water bottling system for guests whereby filtered water is supplied in branded re-useable glass bottles, significantly reducing our glass bottle wastage and carbon footprint

Water Consumption

  • Laundry, by reducing the quantity of towels we wash, we reduce water consumption, energy and use of detergents
  • Good maintenance – mending leaking taps
  • Full loads in washing machines and dish/glass washers

Responsible purchasing (to reduce the environmental impact of the hotel caused through travel)

  • Use of all local Falkland Island produce
  • Development of our own vegetable garden
  • Aim to provide Chickens for our own egg supply
  • Develop and increase responsible purchasing methods to include sourcing products using suppliers that maintain ethical practices
  • The use of  Fair Trade, Organic and Rainforest Alliance certified products where possible

Guest contribution

  • Laundry, we give guests the option to not have their towels Laundered everyday
  • We request for equipment not to be left on standby or prolonged charging
  • To turn down the heating before opening the windows
  • Restaurant guests are welcome to take home any leftovers, therefore reducing waste
  • We are open to any suggestions from guests that will aid our sustainability

To follow the Falkland Island Country Code

  1. Always ask permission before entering private land.
  2. Keep to paths wherever possible. Leave gates open or shut as you find them.
  3. Be aware of the high fire risk throughout the Islands. Be extremely careful when smoking not to start fires. Take cigarette butts away with you.
  4. Do not drop litter. Take your rubbish home with you.
  5. Do not disfigure rocks or buildings.
  6. Do not touch, handle, injure or kill any wild bird or other wild animal.
  7. Never feed any wild animals.
  8. Always give animals the right of way. Remember not to block the routes of seabirds and seals coming ashore to their colonies.
  9. Try to prevent any undue disturbance to wild animals. Stay on the outside of bird and seal colonies. Remain at least 6 m (20 ft) away. When taking photographs or filming stay low to the ground. Move slowly and quietly. Do not startle or chase wildlife from resting or breeding areas.
  10. Some plants are protected and should not be picked. Wildflowers are there for all to enjoy.
  11. Whalebones, skulls, eggs or other such items may not be exported from the Falkland Islands. They should be left where they are found.

Rooms & Facilities

All our rooms offer the following

  • En Suite Facilities with showers over baths or large showers
  • Comfortably furnished with big pillows and duvets
  • Desk
  • Comfy Chair or sofa
  • Telephone
  • Wi-Fi Facilities (chargeable)
  • Flat Screen TVs with a choice of channels
  • Tea and Coffee making facilities
  • Hairdryers
  • Fluffy white towels and bath mats

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